lake house

The site is located in the West Lancashire Green belt, surrounded by trees, in Flood zone 2 and adjacent to a lake. The site has a small volume limit based on a modest 3-bedroomed house, however the brief was to create a 10,000sqft super home.

One of the key requirements for the client was to create external access from the key living, entertainment and leisure spaces, create numerous external spaces to be used at different times of the day, and maximise natural light and countryside views.

To include the level of accommodation the client required, there needed to be a subterranean element, however the client did not want these spaces to feel like they were in a basement with no natural light.  

To achieve the above, the proposed scheme was designed using the flood consultant’s recommended floor level as a baseline, so the pool level can have external level access without flooding, a split level arrangement between the leisure and entertainment spaces, and a flat roof with various external covered terraces.