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Do you own a plot with plenty of potential but the house just lets it down? You may have only bought the house for its garden, land, views or location – and you are ready to investigate the development possibilities….

Did you know that you can replace an existing dwelling with a larger property which meets your specific needs irrespective of being located within the Settlement Boundary, Open Countryside, Greenbelt, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Conservation Area?

The new project also doesn’t need to look like the current house. It could be more contemporary, larger and more sustainable. However, the new design should respond to the site, the context, characteristics and materials to create a site-specific design.

Sometimes the solution is to improve the existing property by incorporating extensions, or out-buildings which is particularly the case with our heritage schemes, where a new-build would not be appropriate. However if the character of the existing property has been lost, or if there is no architectural value in retaining the property, the more cost-effective solution is sometimes to replace the dwelling with a high-quality new-build.

On our larger schemes, many of our clients choose to proceed with a new-build due to self-builds being VAT exempt. Therefore the VAT which would have been chargeable on an extension scheme can be re-allocated to the areas you actually want to spend your budget!

It is usually the case that there is more flexibility in terms of design and scale when replacing rather than extending. For example, there are certain limitations for house extensions which may not work for your accommodation requirements, or for the specific property. This is when outside-the-box thinking can rework an existing site, maximising the accommodation to meet the client’s needs, whilst still complying with planning policy.

At ZMA we have worked on replacement dwellings in the Greenbelt, Open Countryside, and within the settlement boundaries across Lancashire. For example, we have replaced a 3-bedroom bungalow, with a 5-bedroom super home in the Greenbelt; and replaced a 3-bedroom end terrace farmhouse with a 9000sqft 5-bedroom detached super home in the Open Countryside.

There are also opportunities for redevelopment on sites containing other types of existing structures, however this is dependent on the specific local authority, location and current use.

If you have a property or a site containing existing structures and you are ready to investigate your development options, contact us with the site address and what you want to achieve, and we will take it from there.

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